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Markus ENK
Doctorant, Fresh-FNRS
Adresse visiteur Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains Adresse courrier Université libre de Bruxelles |
I am a Socioenvironmental scientist (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2016) holding a Master’s in Anthropology with specialization in Visual Ethnography (Leiden University, 2018).
My PhD research investigates indigenous food systems through multimodal ethnography. I expect to collaborate with the indigenous Apurinã living in the Caititu Indigenous Land, at the Brazilian Southwestern Amazonia. I intend to focus on their food-forest’s agrobiodiversity and human-plant relationships, while bringing forth the influence of industrialized food into their diet. I am especially interested in food planting, processing, consuming and discarding techniques, and on how the acquisition, consumption and discarding of industrialized food is related to socioenvironmental transformations in the Apurinã gastronomic ecology.
Keywords: Indigenous Amazonia, Agrobiodiversity, Food Systems, Multimodality